Friday, December 29, 2006

Sun and Sand but Few Pages

A week of sun and sand was refreshing and much needed, but I still did not manage to read just one book. I am not sure that I even read more than 4 chapters.

We're not talking tough reading, here, either. And, ahem, we're not talking about the book club book for next week which I have yet to start, or, um, even purchase. What happened? A few short years back -- in the 3rd grade -- I listed "reading" as my favorite hobby. Perhaps I was really just looking for brownie points, but you get the point here.

I went south. I went north. I saw my best friend from kindergarden. I saw my best friend from high school. I saw my best friend from band camp. Need I say more?

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Fires and Skiis and Modern Dance

All three of these occupied my mind this past week.

On Thursday, a new ice skating rink opened. On Friday, a fire closed off most of the area surrounding the rink. Alas, I have turned my attention to skiing. Utah is a definite, Vermont a very likely, but I just cannot commit to the ski trip to VA. There's just something about it that doesn't feel right.

So, let's see. Dude, I've totally let the blog slide, but my interest in food and drinks has not. Still, I got to a few cultural events and parties this weekend.

On Friday night, I went to Pilobolus followed by a late-night outing to Petit Robert. Both were phenomenal, and the company was an added bonus. Saturday morning, I went to my first baby naming. It was long, but again accompanied by good company and good food. Saturday afternoon, Alison and Carrie and I went to the Holiday Market, which was a bit of a disappoinment after last year. I still walked away with good gifts.

Saturday evening, I walked away with a tool kit at the Yankee Swap. I was quite happy until the dance club later that evening took it from me on the condition that it might contain weapons.

Sunday morning, Gretch and I went to the Columbus Cafe. In the afternoon, Aquene and I had tea at Trident, and Sunday evening I went to Paul's "sketchy" show. That was a way to end the weekend!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Turkey Day

I have been off-line some of the time, but Blogger has been deficient more of the time.

Anyway, turkey day was fantastic. It started off strong at 9 a.m. with my completing the gobble gobble gobble in the rain with a good crew from college (Gretch, Sandy, Brad, Mere, Melissa, and Dave). My mom and I then made a 16 pound turkey. By Thursday night, 14 pounds remained. Today, there are less than 10 pounds of turkey left.

It's a good thing I'm going through that turkey quickly. This Wednesday's book club meeting may result in our choosing the Omnivore's Dilemma as our next read. This month, we read Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, which I loved and recommend. At a minimum, the book makes you ask yourself, are those cute shoes really worth it?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day

I am very anxious.

I had a great weekend. Packed, but good to see everyone.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Cloudy, yet Warm

I am so looking forward to this weekend. I know it will be great. I just hope that I don't catch another cold on the plane ride home.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Halloween x3 or x4?

It is not yet Halloween, but I made good use of this year's costume. Friday night was an event calling for costumes or creative black tie. I have yet to determine what creative black tie is, so I opted for the former.

Saturday night, I hosted my own shindig, which (if I might say it myself) was quite a success. Around 75 people; all but 3 came in costume. It was a good time, but it didn't help me to shake my gnawing cold.

Sunday night, my "boss" had the core folks who I work with daily over to his house -- in costume. Families were invited; the kids were adorable and had a blast.

Now, Halloween is tomorrow, but I think the time has come to throw in the costume!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I just sampled a new herbal supplement to try to curb a cold. It's called Airborne. I haven't seen great results, as I am probably too far into the cold this time. What's interesting about the name of it, and true for me, is that I always seem to get a cold shortly after I fly. Why is this? Do planes really maintain higher concentrations of the virus? Wouldn't subways carry just as many germs?

Perhaps it also has something to do with my trying to fit in one too many activities during my travels (and sleeping too little). Then again, that is not so different from my everyday life.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Mie N Yu

I regressed throughout the weekend, managing an intermediate stop between dinner and dancing for drinks (surprise, surprise) at Mie N Yu Saturday night. Kudos to Alysa for the suggestion (even though she wasn't joining us). I love the play on words. Good atmosphere. Great cocktails. Only the beer-drinkers were a little unhappy that there was no tap at all. They felt a little better about that, though, after enjoying a 20 oz. Bass out of a bottle made them feel better about that, though.

As to cuisine, I hit a few oldies (Sake Club) and a few newbies (Grill from Ipanema and Neyla), but shook it off with a little merengue at Paper Moon and a run on the Rock Creek Loop.

The highlight, though, was probably the orangutan under the sheet. He just made my day.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Cookbooks and Such

Andrea went home after her BMT and hospital stay. I am so happy! I look forward to trying out the new cookbooks and making her time at home as much fun as possible. For her, I'll even try to do better than chilli and pasta.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Ever too early for Molten Chocolate Cake?

It might surprise you that the answer is yes.

I attend a lot of events. Last night's was a ton of fun, but it had one key flaw. They served the delicious molten chocolate cake 20 minutes before the Keynote speaker began. As I know her personally and was excited to hear her speak, it was disappointing to see half of the room leave before she got started. The event was essentially over before it really began.

Now, a dessert buffet, where one can go up after the speaker is done and mingle with others over coffee and such, seems like a much better call.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Quarters for Laundry

They are the bain of my existence. When I was in college, my mother would send me a roll of quarters every so often to help me out. Now, I am on my own, and I need to scrounge up my own quarters.

I finally got myself to the bank during banking hours to get a pound of 'em, but it turns out they won't serve you if you're not a member. I guess I will have to keep on giving the confused cashier one dollar and 17 cents when the fruit/gum/chocolate comes to 67 cents. (For all of you that took Hypercard instead of Math, my change in that scenario is 2 quarters.)

Monday, October 16, 2006

Apple Picking

I went apple picking for the first time this past Saturday. After a lot of debate as to whether it should be Doe or Honey Pot, we ended up at Applecrest. It was fantastic. There are still 7 varieties available, the activities were numerous, the kids were playing, the sun was shining, and we tasted (illicitly?) along the way.

With a little nudge from Tom that we stop to pick up an Apple Corer on the way home and a couple of calls to my mom as to what ingredients I needed, I *easily* baked my first apple pie. I brought it to Aquene's birthday party. I got lots of compliments. (Thanks Mom!)

I have to throw in that I also had my first night on a stage in a karaoke bar with Ky and Steve, but it is certain not to be my last. Whatever was in that pie, it gave me a little extra singing ability (or so it seemed by that point in the evening).

In other highlights, I had a fantastic reunion with the ChemE women and a beautiful fall-colored drive out to the Cape for Jim's send-off.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Columbus Day

I want to salute Columbus for taking credit where credit was not necessarily due. His day was a good day, as was the entirety of the weekend that was all the more enjoyable because I knew it would be a long one.

There was fun in the sun -- on the roofdeck and at the 10k (kudos to Sandra and I). There was even greater fun after dark as I hit some of my favorite spots each night with some of my favorite people -- Tonic, Kashmir, Eastern Standard and Tapeo. Got to celebrate birthdays, too (Paul and Ruthie have almost caught up to me!). Big thanks go to Alison for helping me to finally get curtains up -- it was getting beyond ridiculous. Now, if I can just get to those light fixtures!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Working, Eating and Running

Working Late and Eating Right: I am doing the former but not the latter. I need to find a solution to this problem.

Working Late and Working Out: My friend turned colleague and I are going to start running after work. I usually find it easier and better to run mornings, but it will be nice to have a buddy. The only problem is that it will be very late before we hit the pavement.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


It turns out -- surprise, surprise -- that I am not domesticated. I was reminded of this over dinner at a friend's last night, as we discussed their new cabinets and light fixtures and men's interest in tools and multiple trips to Home Depot in the same week. It's not so much that I am incapable of putting a new floor down in my kitchen (although it would undoubtedly be a disaster), as that I have very little interest in spending crisp, sunny fall days inside a warehouse.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A "Popular" Coup in Thailand

My Thai friend Fluke today reported that "for many Bangkokians this is a 'happy coup d'etat' as it finally gives us a way out of the political crisis that has gripped the nation this year." She also attached pictures of people smiling around the army tanks and adorning them with flowers.

It is fascinating that there has been such widespread support, but will the military hold its word and curb existing civil liberties only for a short time?

Monday, September 25, 2006

Chinatown Markets

My mom and I found our way in and around the Chinatown supermarket yesterday afternoon. Boy, there are some yummy treats to be found there (and some not-so-yummy-looking treats). Still, I preferred the bakery across the street. I just love those puffs with the almond-coconut filling that my friend's girlfriend introduced me to after dim sum one afternoon last year. It sure is a good thing that I don't live close enough to stop by every day.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Potluck without the Pots

As it turns out, Aquene can cook! And, boy, does she do it well. It seems a little unfair that all we contributed, though, was the wine and some store-bought ice cream. Actually, we found the ice cream at Target. I had no idea they had a dairy section. Ahhh... in America, you can find your ice cream anywhere.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Cheers to Life on Lucky 18

Many celebrations today in the lives of those close to me: Happy Birthday, Mom! Good Marrow, Andrea! Happy Honeymoon, Saul and Michelle! Welcome New Addition, Kelly and Phousi!

Saul and Michelle's wedding weekend was filled with an energy unsurpassed by those who've come before. The views were amazing. The people were even better. The serenity was superb.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Morning Walks, Coffee, and Company

Isn't it amazing how much better a morning walk is with good company? Today, I had double the pleasure.

To my surprise and delight, the 3:2 animal to person ratio laid out over 600 sq ft worked out well. There was no barking or hissing -- at all! After a morning walk with Poncho along the city side of the river, I met Andrea across the bridge for a walk, talk, and cup o' joe.

My spirits were high as I entered the office. I got to thinking -- I rarely drink coffee. Maybe it is true that it is good for you? And that it even helps with cutting the risk of Type 2 diabetes? Maybe I really could use it to start the day off right? Nah, it was the company.

I have the best friends!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sushi Soulmates

The key to good sushi is the right sake and the right person to share it. Admittedly, I used to find most sake too sharp and raw (no pun intended) for my taste buds. In Japan, I grew to appreciate the variations on the traditional.

Only last year when Osushi opened, however, did I discover momokawa asian pear sake. It is smooth and delightful. Last night, Tonya and I found out that we are sushi soulmates -- and paired the pear sake with the $6 rolls (that are *missing* from the menu) among others.

Like any other match in life, you often don't realize that it's been right in front of you all along. When Tonya and I ordered our sake (warm not cold) and maki (small not large), and even edamame (not salad) in sync, we knew we should've been doing this a long time ago.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Vote On Primary Day

For some states, that day is today. For others, it will be next week. Wherever you are, become engaged in the process, and please get out and vote.

Monday, September 11, 2006

The Vineyard in September

What a beautiful weekend. I was off-line, as I took some time out for Kate and Nicole's clams, Shelley's lamb, a morning chat on the patio with Ky, a sunny swim, afternoon fog on the beach, a ferry ride, a sip of double chocolate beer with Jim, a triathlon, and Four Seas' homemade butter crunch ice cream with Mere and Missy. The highlights still seem to be food-related, but the people and the adrenaline were key. I was still home in time to sip wine on the roofdeck last night. I feel good!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

No More White?

Labor Day has now passed, but I may just go on wearing white. Fortunately, my weekend was namely about food, friends, and family and not really about fashion.

Eating outdoors about town under heat lamps is one of my favorite ways to dine. Friday night, Amy and Andrea and I enjoyed the luxurious, yet warm and authentic ambiance of Oleana's outdoor patio. I am not sure that we "partied like rock stars" in the traditional manner, but it was one quality evening out.

Following a dreary day of driving under cloudy skies, I was eating fresh salad and pesto noodles, drinking chai tea, and then enjoying traditional Burmese yams and curried chicken with Andi and Sarah (Sam wasn't really interested in trying any of that).

Sunday included a spinach and goat cheese omelet with egg whites (I tried!) at Oriole 9 (which we loved so much we went back to it) and chicken on a stick that afternoon with my cousins at the Craft Fair. We had Janet's homemade grilled veggie pizza that evening. Then, last night's "Budino" was phenomenal (albeit so rich that it was appropriately shared among six of us).

Like I said, there was a lot of food. Oh -- there was a little fashion that I found in Woodstock of all places. I finally tossed the worn out Reefs and upgraded to closed toe sporty black and whites!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Have a Glass of Red Wine Before Bed

It's supposed to be good for you. Well, I hope the conventional wisdom is true because I had a glass of El Coto de Rioja at a sidewalk cafe after midnight.

I will have you know that I still made it to the office by 8 a.m., too. I am glad that I managed to avoid the allure of the Espresso Martini. Neither one helps me to shape up for my upcoming triathlon, but wine still has less calories than a martini.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Eastern Standard Moves in on the B

I had a drink (or two, but not "many" as Dale would say) at Eastern Standard with Ben late last night. Shannon (aka Kat) remembers me. That place just might be moving in on the B for the title of favorite neighborhood restaurant & bar, particularly over the summer. Can we still call it summer? I walked to work in flips and a skirt, but I was pretty darn cold.

Then again, this post might just be slander.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The National Marrow Donor Program

Sometimes we educated folks become aware of problems in our society because we keep up on the news and have high level conversations with our brilliant peers and colleagues (of which I am fortunate to have many!). It can be hard to know where to put your time, energy, and money. It is, of course, most difficult to give something of yourself.

When disease or strife affects you personally or someone you love, though, you realize how easy it is or might have been to help out if only we all had more knowledge about how to go about doing it. So, let me make you aware of a problem and help you understand how to go about doing something about it.

In patients with leukemia and some immune deficiency diseases, the stem cells in the bone marrow malfunction, producing an excessive number of defective or immature blood cells. These interfere with the production of normal blood cells, accumulate in the bloodstream and may invade other tissues.

Large doses of chemotherapy are required to destroy the abnormal stem cells and abnormal blood cells. This destroys normal cells found in the bone marrow as well. A bone marrow transplant enables physicians to treat these diseases with aggressive chemotherapy by allowing replacement of the diseased or damaged bone marrow after the chemotherapy treatment. The transplant is often necessary to save the patient's life, and the new bone marrow infused into the patient must match the genetic makeup of the patient's own marrow as perfectly as possible.

What can you do? JOIN THE REGISTRY. It does take a little time and a little money, but you can save someone's life.

For numerous reasons, people of color have an especially difficult time finding a match. Thank you, Andrea, for taking this issue to heart and for raising it with me. I hope together that we can make a difference.

On a similar note, please consider giving blood. Only 5% of eligible donors in the U.S. give, while someone here needs blood every 2 seconds. Why wait?

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Pluto's Demotion

What an emotional topic this has been. You have to love the Kiwis. Today's NZ Herald claims that Pluto's demotion may be an unfinished discussion. Perhaps the next headline will read that Pluto exerted its dwarf planet influence to create Ernesto in protest.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Hyannis, MA

I spent this past weekend at the Cape with Michelle and her bridal party to celebrate her transition to married life. I biked out to Waltham Saturday morning, but I didn't make time to get some additional biking in before it started raining.

We had a late lunch at Tugboats, hit the beach (with sweatshirts on!), drank rum, grilled dogs, and ate smores. We also enjoyed singing Karaoke. It was a proper send-off for one-half of a great couple. Sunday, we had some more cold beach time. I then met Jim for a walk around the Harbor and lunch at a sweet traditional Brazilian spot off Main Street.

Today, I am thrilled to hear that my friend Andrea's brother is a "perfect match" for a bone marrow transplant.

Friday, August 25, 2006

My Opening Post

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.